Yesterday was an intense day. I am NOT a morning person and I was out of the house so early that my bagel place wasn't even opened yet (it opens at 6am). Maybe, at that point, I should have turned around, gotten back in bed and had a normal day. But, anyone who knows a marathoner knows we are not normal, so I found a different spot to get my fuel (in non-athlete terms, food) and get to the run, uh, walk.
I was quite bummed to get up to the start of the LTR (Long Training Run) and discover Madison and 5th are all meters now. So, I had to find a lot. I was happy to see that people were still lined up for the portapotties and the later time groups hadn't started yet.
I walked past the 8s (those are the people who for the entire 20 miles plan to maintain an 8 minute pace - luckies), 9s, 10s where I found a WW marathoner buddy, Gabi. She is a pace leader and was sweet as could be. I went all the way to the 11s and then to the back of that pack. Each time we inched forward, I re-inched to the back of the pack. When our group left the gate, there were clearly only 2 of us walkers and the other was a speed demon (I later found out she wants to finish the marathon between 6:00 and 6:30).
So, we were off. And just to make sure we knew this was NY and Central Park, we were immediately greeted with a never ending hill. I kept thinking of a
video (about 3:15 into it) I recently watched in which a woman greeted each hill with, "I love hills." I kept repeating it to myself, then I would answer, unintentionally, "liar." Well, I did this all alone and realized how incredibly lonely the marathon would be. I would be towards the end (maybe the last person and all alone). This was cemented as I approached the 1 mile mark and the volunteer holding the marker was already loading it into his car. KC told me about that. Watching them take up the chip mats as she approached, and that was with a pace almost 1.5 hours faster than mine will be.
Mind, you I was only a mile or so in when I passed the 102nd street traverse and the elite runners were finishing their 6 mile loop! I am not kidding. I pacified myself at this point by saying that at least I wouldn't be alone now. There would be runners passing. So I shouted some encouraging words to them. I also felt a little better knowing they had started close to 7, and I didn't take off until 7:29.
I was barely approaching mile 2 when there was more slope. I was already tired. I texted Mercer, "I love hills. I am a marathoner." Then followed with another text saying, "Fake it til u make it." I got a giggle out of that and got into a bit of a groove. I also was very happy to realize that I would be supported by the water tables almost the whole way because since I was ONLY doing 16 miles, I wouldn't finish that long after the slower 20 milers. The water tables made a difference, but that 1 mile marker was a tease. There were no more mile markers, and not just because I missed them. They just didn't have them. That was a bummer.
I got through 6 miles and felt good. Gabi was just finishing 11 and was so encouraging. I felt awesome and had done a 3.46 mph pace (one of my best paces). I no longer minded being looped. I looked forward to it. It was fun. I did the next 5 happily, and thinking such crazy thoughts as, "I could probably do 17-18 today," or "I should do all 20, I can handle it. 16 is too short." At then end of that loop, I had slowed to a 3.2 pace. But I was fine with it. I saw my coach at that point, Gabi and Paul Bogutsky. Gabi and Paul had completed their 20 and I was on my way for 16! I was feeling peppy and cocky. Suddenly about half way into the next mile, I began to feel cranky. I ran into someone who had run her first 11 or maybe 15 and was walking the end. She and I chatted, but somehow it was making me feel worse. I kept thinking I was about 20 blocks ahead of where I was. I felt good that the water stands still had water (well most of them), but I was mentally dragging.
I was trying to trick myself into doing things so I could finish in under 5 hours. I was even contemplating changing the path and only going for 15. But, luckily, my asst. coach was right at the point I would have had to cheat. I didn't and kept going. I was IMing, calling and doing anything to get some energy to me, it wasn't working.
At about mile 14, I started doing the walk fast for a lamp post slow down at the next and then I couldn't get the fast going again. I felt better about myself when I passed a walker (I think she may have been a runner turned walker) who was so tired that when I asked her how far she had gone, she waved me on. I caught up to a runner who was doing 17 total and was walking at this point (and I know she started when I did because I remembered her). Then I caught up with the other speedy walker. I think she was finishing 21 as I was finishing 17 but so be it. She wasn't sure how many she had done because she had taken a wrong turn. I was just happy not to be the last one out there.
As I was leaving the park, I met a woman who told me she had just done her first 20. She was glowing and so happy. She told me there were only 5 more bags in the bag check. I felt relieved, I wasn't the last one finished, even if I didn't do the distance. For some reason that validated me.
Anyway, as she and I exited the park, I saw a bench and decided to collapse. I sat there a good 10 minutes, then got the umph to walk the 4 seemingly endless blocks to the car. I got in the car and thought about taking off my shoes...nope, it would take too much energy. So, I drove off. As I was driving down the FDR, making great time home, I was exhausted. I kept thinking of taking a nap to the point I decided it wasn't safe to drive and my exhaustion was out-weighing my hunger. So, on Houston, I pulled off and slept. I slept for about 30+ minutes. Then drove home. At this point crankiness and sadness had taken over. I was hungry, starving, but I didn't even want to eat.
Needless to say, I did eat. I also soaked in Epsom salts and took another nap. I spent the rest of the day and night feeling like I couldn't do it (the marathon). There is no way I could do another 10 miles. I mean, that was ONLY 16. 16 is a lot compared to none, but it is only 61% of the full marathon. I said a few times yesterday that I think the half length is for me. I am now reflecting and wondering if I am just not fit enough to do a full. Can I get myself fit enough in 7 short weeks?! I am convincing myself that I can, but I also realize I am going to need a lot more support to do it. Doing this as a single-working mom makes fitting in all the training, cross-training, etc. tricky. I am mapping out my plan for the walks today, then finding a way to stick to it. I HAVE to complete this...for myself and for all the people pulling for me.
Funny that I was feeling good about the walk until the moment it ended...
Times for yesterday:
First 6 - 3.46 pace
Next 5 - 3.2 pace
Last 5 - 2.78 pace
Total 16 - 3.14 pace
Having a day between me and the walk, I feel better, but I am still not feeling confident.