Wow, suddenly it is all so close. Just barely 2 months away. How did that happen? It seems like it was just yesterday that I fully committed to doing this insane event. And, now I am suddenly at the halfway point!
I need to get a good long walk in this weekend. It is imperative because last Saturday's walk has really left a doubt in my mind. Up until Saturday, it had never occurred to me that I might not be able to make it or that I might not finish. Now, I realize there are a lot of people who start but don't complete. I do not want to be part of that statistic and need to step up the conditioning and workouts if I am not going to be. I need to get serious. I had thought I was serious, but seeing how I struggled with the heat and all, I can now realize I have been a little laid back about the whole thing.
I will do this. I WILL, I WILL, I WILL
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
People keep asking me why I am doing the marathon. That is a good question. I have a lot of answers depending on the conversation, the time of day, my mood and various other factors. I think the reason changes for me from moment to moment. Some of the reasons are that I have always wanted to. I have found marathoners inspiring. I remember a gym teacher doing it which seemed logical to me, he was after all in phys ed. But, then I remember people like my cousin Eleanor doing it with her husband and, if memory serves me right, her in-laws. She was always fit and athletic, but certainly not a marathon runner. In fact, I had never even thought of her as a runner before. I was incredibly impressed. Then, when I lived on the UES, I was watching and an old college pal, Stephanie Ortiz, went past me. She was always taking aerobics and stuff in college, but I had never thought of her as a runner either. Then my brother's girl friend did it, then my brother, then others. There was the CFO at my job, Paul Bogustsky, who was as busy as they come, yet I would run into him around lunch time and he would be just returning from a run. He would make comments like, "Oh it was a short one today, only 8 miles." I believe he had done 8 marathons or so. He and his wife would do them. I can remember being impressed by the training, but what REALLY impressed me was seeing him the Monday after. He was walking around the office as though he had had a typical weekend. I was in awe. Still am, Paul, if you ever see this. So what does all this mean? I wanted to be like them. I wanted to be someone who had the courage, strength, discipline and insanity to take on a goal like the marathon and fulfill on it.
Why else? I thought I might meet some interesting people. Plain and simple. And, I have. It started in training for the half.
I did not meet Anne because I was training, I met Anne because she and I were both at one of my brother's squash matches, and as he introduced us he said, "You 2 have to meet because you were both IMing me at the same time last week that you were tracking your walks on" Anne and I chatted and learned we sometimes walked in the park at the same time. I ended up seeing her in the park a couple of times...the most critical was at about mile 8 of the More half. She ended up joining Mercer and me and going with us until the end. I figure anyone who can put up with Mercer's and my bantering and my unbelievable crankiness around mile 11 is a keeper. Anne is mildly (I hope more than that) toying with the idea of doing the Disney half with me.
KC, who I walked with yesterday, is amazing. KC has had quite a few health issues over the past few years, but she has dedicated herself to walking. She did the NYC marathon last year in 7.5 hours (which is about 1.5 hours faster than I plan to). She also has done a whole slew of halves and trains in all different ways. She does Yoga, strength training, deep water running and who knows what else. In addition to being a great friend (which is so obvious because at each race, she has pals do it with her, watch her, etc), nice and funny, she is a total inspiration. She has lost over 100 pounds since she started all this. She is what I call good folk.
Next is Cindy. Cindy lives in Wisconsin. Yes, I am in NYC. Cindy responded to a post I made looking for Brooklyn Walkers. She said she gets into NY from time to time and walked the NY marathon in 6.5 hours last year. Well, she came to NY for a week long vacation and we met up for a Central Park walk. Cindy is clearly a New Yorker, even though she has lived in WI for about 25+ years. Cindy educated me about Milaukee and was a delight to walk with.
Why now? Another question I am asked a lot. Well, I always said I wanted to do it before I was 40. I entered the lottery, as you may know the NYC marathon is so popular that you must enter a lottery. I didn't get in. I was relieved for a split second. Then, I was totally upset. I wasn't sure what to do. So, as I often do when at a cross road, I spoke to Will, my brother. He said, "Well, if you wait until next year, you will be doing it when you ARE 40." That was it, I knew I was selling out. I had always said before I was 40. So, I went and found some charities that would get you in. There were only a handful that I was into. I ended up with Team For Kids and the rest is history.
Why else? I think it is a really good release mentally. I like the high I get from it. I am sure it is benefiting my health too, but I must admit that is really a happy consequence. It is not why I started it nor why I do it. Everyone else seems to be into it, so let me answer that question, that if you haven't asked, I am sure you wanted to:
How much weight have you lost? Well, uh, let me see, uh none. At least as of last week. I was, believe it or not, up about 5 pounds. I do not know how or why. I do not understand it, but since I didn't go into it for that, I do not dwell on it. I will not lie that when I got on the scale today for the first time in a week or so and it was down 9 pounds (the 5 I had gained + 4), I was happy. But, I was cautiously optimistic because I had to have sweat out at least 10 pounds yesterday, lol. So, I will see what it says over the next several days. I have started to watch what I am eating from a training perspective. I want to recover well (although I ate all wrong for that yesterday) and eat the right foods to fuel me before during and after my workouts. So, that may cause me to lose. I think my speed would increase if I were a little lighter too, but suffice it to say, this is not my focus.
Lastly, I will admit that even though I haven't done the marathon I am already planning the other events. My next year looks something like this:
11/4/07: NYC Marathon
1/12/08: Disney Half-Marathon
3/23/08 ?: The More Marathon/Half - Marathon ( I am not sure they will let me do the full since I won't be quite 40 yet, I miss it by a couple of months)
5/3/08: The LI half or Full (depending on the More)
I will do the NYC and Disney for charities. The NYC, in all honesty, because I had to, and Disney because raising money for LLS (The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) is a no brainer since Barbara (my friend and boss) has recently been diagnosed with Leukemia.
Why else? I thought I might meet some interesting people. Plain and simple. And, I have. It started in training for the half.
I did not meet Anne because I was training, I met Anne because she and I were both at one of my brother's squash matches, and as he introduced us he said, "You 2 have to meet because you were both IMing me at the same time last week that you were tracking your walks on" Anne and I chatted and learned we sometimes walked in the park at the same time. I ended up seeing her in the park a couple of times...the most critical was at about mile 8 of the More half. She ended up joining Mercer and me and going with us until the end. I figure anyone who can put up with Mercer's and my bantering and my unbelievable crankiness around mile 11 is a keeper. Anne is mildly (I hope more than that) toying with the idea of doing the Disney half with me.
KC, who I walked with yesterday, is amazing. KC has had quite a few health issues over the past few years, but she has dedicated herself to walking. She did the NYC marathon last year in 7.5 hours (which is about 1.5 hours faster than I plan to). She also has done a whole slew of halves and trains in all different ways. She does Yoga, strength training, deep water running and who knows what else. In addition to being a great friend (which is so obvious because at each race, she has pals do it with her, watch her, etc), nice and funny, she is a total inspiration. She has lost over 100 pounds since she started all this. She is what I call good folk.
Next is Cindy. Cindy lives in Wisconsin. Yes, I am in NYC. Cindy responded to a post I made looking for Brooklyn Walkers. She said she gets into NY from time to time and walked the NY marathon in 6.5 hours last year. Well, she came to NY for a week long vacation and we met up for a Central Park walk. Cindy is clearly a New Yorker, even though she has lived in WI for about 25+ years. Cindy educated me about Milaukee and was a delight to walk with.
Why now? Another question I am asked a lot. Well, I always said I wanted to do it before I was 40. I entered the lottery, as you may know the NYC marathon is so popular that you must enter a lottery. I didn't get in. I was relieved for a split second. Then, I was totally upset. I wasn't sure what to do. So, as I often do when at a cross road, I spoke to Will, my brother. He said, "Well, if you wait until next year, you will be doing it when you ARE 40." That was it, I knew I was selling out. I had always said before I was 40. So, I went and found some charities that would get you in. There were only a handful that I was into. I ended up with Team For Kids and the rest is history.
Why else? I think it is a really good release mentally. I like the high I get from it. I am sure it is benefiting my health too, but I must admit that is really a happy consequence. It is not why I started it nor why I do it. Everyone else seems to be into it, so let me answer that question, that if you haven't asked, I am sure you wanted to:
How much weight have you lost? Well, uh, let me see, uh none. At least as of last week. I was, believe it or not, up about 5 pounds. I do not know how or why. I do not understand it, but since I didn't go into it for that, I do not dwell on it. I will not lie that when I got on the scale today for the first time in a week or so and it was down 9 pounds (the 5 I had gained + 4), I was happy. But, I was cautiously optimistic because I had to have sweat out at least 10 pounds yesterday, lol. So, I will see what it says over the next several days. I have started to watch what I am eating from a training perspective. I want to recover well (although I ate all wrong for that yesterday) and eat the right foods to fuel me before during and after my workouts. So, that may cause me to lose. I think my speed would increase if I were a little lighter too, but suffice it to say, this is not my focus.
Lastly, I will admit that even though I haven't done the marathon I am already planning the other events. My next year looks something like this:
11/4/07: NYC Marathon
1/12/08: Disney Half-Marathon
3/23/08 ?: The More Marathon/Half - Marathon ( I am not sure they will let me do the full since I won't be quite 40 yet, I miss it by a couple of months)
5/3/08: The LI half or Full (depending on the More)
I will do the NYC and Disney for charities. The NYC, in all honesty, because I had to, and Disney because raising money for LLS (The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) is a no brainer since Barbara (my friend and boss) has recently been diagnosed with Leukemia.
Wow, it is hot!!!
Yesterday was my biggest challenge yet.
We started out a few minutes before 8 and it was actually relatively cool which was a shock since the report had been hot and humid. We went over the Manhattan bridge and were doing a great pace up until about mile 5. I think we were still under 18 minute miles at that point.
Then, I guess the heat hit in. I could feel that I wasn't myself. I debated over having Gu Gels, more water, or what. But, I was not feeling the way I normally do in a walk. I wasn't worried about it. I just thought it was because I was walking so fast and walking with someone. So, at about 7 miles, I had a Gu. And at about 7.5 miles I decided to have some more water and a banana. I hadn't tried a banana before. Then at about 10 miles I decided to have gatorade (tried a new flavor - Rain/Berry, so good!). I drank it pretty fast because I was totally thirsty, hot and achy at that point. Well within a mile I felt nausea, crampy and like I needed to quit. I really just wanted to curl up in bed and say forget all this. This is the first time since committing to the marathon that I have contemplated ending a walk early or quitting the entire endeavor. There were 2 things that kept me going. The first was knowing how many people are behind me in accomplishing this. The second was KC. She was just pushing on. Her blood sugar was dropping, so she handled that, and she was just pushing through.
I also felt bad about our time, even though going in KC knew I was much slower than she is. I was slowing us way down. We finally caught site of the Brooklyn Bridge and I bought a bottle of water that KC and I just poured over our heads. It was bloody hot. I have never noticed all the benches on the bridge before but each one seemed to be calling my name. I also started thinking, "If I collapse, will KC figure out that I have a cell in my bag and call Mom or anyone?"
Finally, we made it over the bridge and there was the Park, Cadman Plaza. I told KC I had to sit and she could go on ahead. She didn't. She patiently stretched and waited while I convinced myself I could make it to Mom's, probably a half mile away. At his point, KC confessed that before we met up she had ALREADY done 2.5 miles. So, she would end up with 17.5 or so!! Well, I made it a quarter mile and decided to sit again by the Farmer's Market (14 miles) and wait for Mom and Emily to show up there. Emily and I creeped to mom's (4.5 blocks away) in probably 15 + minutes. My feet were killing, I was soaked, it was nuts.
The rest of the day got better. I took a long jacuzzi bath, Mom fed me, I napped and then I was ravenous, so Emily and I went to a local haunt, Teresa's. I had all good intentions to eat well, and uh, the hunger took over. I had Chicken noodle soup, potato pierogis, and ,dare I admit, a vanilla shake! It hit the spot. I think for recovery you are supposed to have as much protein as possible, well I blew that. But after sleeping more than 10 hours last night, I feel almost back to myself.
Time wise. I need to confirm with KC, but I think including the 5 minutes in cadman park our 15 miles took 4 hours 40 minutes or 20 minutes per mile or 3mph. That sounds way too fast to me, I will have to check into that. If it is fast, it is faster than I did 2 weeks ago and just a hair slower than last week. So, I will take it and know that I am truly progressing!
I was supposed to do 6 miles today, but I am backing out because of the humidity and fear.
We started out a few minutes before 8 and it was actually relatively cool which was a shock since the report had been hot and humid. We went over the Manhattan bridge and were doing a great pace up until about mile 5. I think we were still under 18 minute miles at that point.
Then, I guess the heat hit in. I could feel that I wasn't myself. I debated over having Gu Gels, more water, or what. But, I was not feeling the way I normally do in a walk. I wasn't worried about it. I just thought it was because I was walking so fast and walking with someone. So, at about 7 miles, I had a Gu. And at about 7.5 miles I decided to have some more water and a banana. I hadn't tried a banana before. Then at about 10 miles I decided to have gatorade (tried a new flavor - Rain/Berry, so good!). I drank it pretty fast because I was totally thirsty, hot and achy at that point. Well within a mile I felt nausea, crampy and like I needed to quit. I really just wanted to curl up in bed and say forget all this. This is the first time since committing to the marathon that I have contemplated ending a walk early or quitting the entire endeavor. There were 2 things that kept me going. The first was knowing how many people are behind me in accomplishing this. The second was KC. She was just pushing on. Her blood sugar was dropping, so she handled that, and she was just pushing through.
I also felt bad about our time, even though going in KC knew I was much slower than she is. I was slowing us way down. We finally caught site of the Brooklyn Bridge and I bought a bottle of water that KC and I just poured over our heads. It was bloody hot. I have never noticed all the benches on the bridge before but each one seemed to be calling my name. I also started thinking, "If I collapse, will KC figure out that I have a cell in my bag and call Mom or anyone?"
Finally, we made it over the bridge and there was the Park, Cadman Plaza. I told KC I had to sit and she could go on ahead. She didn't. She patiently stretched and waited while I convinced myself I could make it to Mom's, probably a half mile away. At his point, KC confessed that before we met up she had ALREADY done 2.5 miles. So, she would end up with 17.5 or so!! Well, I made it a quarter mile and decided to sit again by the Farmer's Market (14 miles) and wait for Mom and Emily to show up there. Emily and I creeped to mom's (4.5 blocks away) in probably 15 + minutes. My feet were killing, I was soaked, it was nuts.
The rest of the day got better. I took a long jacuzzi bath, Mom fed me, I napped and then I was ravenous, so Emily and I went to a local haunt, Teresa's. I had all good intentions to eat well, and uh, the hunger took over. I had Chicken noodle soup, potato pierogis, and ,dare I admit, a vanilla shake! It hit the spot. I think for recovery you are supposed to have as much protein as possible, well I blew that. But after sleeping more than 10 hours last night, I feel almost back to myself.
Time wise. I need to confirm with KC, but I think including the 5 minutes in cadman park our 15 miles took 4 hours 40 minutes or 20 minutes per mile or 3mph. That sounds way too fast to me, I will have to check into that. If it is fast, it is faster than I did 2 weeks ago and just a hair slower than last week. So, I will take it and know that I am truly progressing!
I was supposed to do 6 miles today, but I am backing out because of the humidity and fear.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I would like to thank....
If you are reading this, you are certainly one of those who deserves to be thanked. The support I have received since I committed to doing the marathon in just unbelievable. People have blown me away with their:
If you are reading this, you are certainly one of those who deserves to be thanked. The support I have received since I committed to doing the marathon in just unbelievable. People have blown me away with their:
- incredibly supportive words: "I have no doubt you can do this, you are an inspiration,"
- financial generosity: "For you, I dug deep,"
- offers to train with me: "Okay, so how are we going to do this? Set up a day we will walk together or take this week by week?"
- support of the cause: "The charity sounds great as someone who also has always had weight issues," and
- watch me on the big day: "It is already blocked on my calendar, and I will see you at least once."
(in alphabetical order by last name)
Helene B, Lani B, Lynn B, Allison B, Ernie B, Kim B, Anthony B, Duncan B, Jill B, David B, Mom, Mercer C, Will C, Dad, Ellie C, Emily C, Lori C, Michael C, Anne C, Leslie C, Barbara & Mark, Ralph E, Aunt Karin and Uncle Paul, Patti F, Fido - Dan L & Michael G, Hallie F, Gloria & Marvin, Tresha G, Donna G, Amy H, Stephanie H, Mary J, TJ, Cindy K, Aunt Ninie, Susie & Oscar, Gabriela L, Deena L, Roz M, Marcia M, Eleanor M, KC M, Lisa M, Nancy & Carlos, Michelle P, Leslie R, Johnny R, Jennifer S, Jamie S, Gigi S, Liz S, Kathy S, Glenn S, Emmy T, Kim W, Shireen W, Robert W, Judge John W, Libby W and Annie Y!(in alphabetical order by last name)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Back to Last week's walk...
For those of you reading who know something about running and walking and endurance events, you also know about negative splits. I, being new to all this, just heard about them recently. The basic bottom line is that you get faster as a long run/event goes on rather than slower. For example if you are doing a 20 K race, your first 5K would be the slowest and your last would be the fastest. This expression negative splits keeps coming up. First, my cousin told me she did them. I was ready to say I was sorry and encourage her to keep running, but to take care of herself because negative didn't sound good and for a 39 year old to be doing any kind of splits, I was certain she needed ice and to rest her overstretched legs. She was elated though, so I learned a bit about them. Next, I walked with someone from WI. She had a Team For Kids shirt and on the back it read, "I did my fastest 10K 20 miles into the marathon." She went on to explain that her coach had them all start out each walk/run easy and push harder and harder as they went on. This totally intrigued me since I was certain that the last 6.2 miles of the marathon would be by far my slowest. I wasn't upset about it, it just seemed obvious to me, you are exhausted, have walked 20 miles, it is early evening, you are hungry, what else would you expect? Then, I went to check out my friend Jenni's blog and her latest entry was entitled Negative Splits. I decided that 3 totally different people talking about them in that short a time was a clear sign, and I needed to get in action around this.
Well, then I did my 16 miles (okay, I admit I am rounding up from 15.59). After that I was quite certain negative splits were some crazy person's idea and were not attainable for this Brooklynite. Then, my next long walk came, and I decided to really take it on. I would push for the first of my 3 laps (3.35 miles), but I would push harder for the second and third. Well, by george, I did it! I had negative splits. I cannot even believe it, but I did. And, somehow I actually felt good at the end! I was happy. Now, my time is still slower than I would like, but heck, I did it.
Times (Each lap was 3.35 miles):
Lap 1 - 65 minutes (19.4 minutes/mile)
Lap 2 - 57.5 minutes (17.16 minutes/mile)
Lap 3 - 56.5 minutes (16.87 minutes/mile)
Since I was so focussed on the lap times decreasing, I did all my pitstops between laps, so the bigger picture is: 202 minutes for 10.3 miles or 19.61 minutes/mile or 3.06 MPH.
Last week was: 315 minutes for 15.59 miles or 20.21 minutes/mile or 2.97 MPH.
So an improvement, but still not the times I want. The last lap was close though. I am hoping that some walks this weekend with KC, a TFK member and Anne, a friend and walking buddy will help speed me up since they are both faster than I am.
I have never thought so much about the Little Engine that Could until I embarked on this journey. I can't tell you how often I hear myself saying, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...."
Keep your eyes out for posts on how I am touched by the incredible support I have gotten and how I know I am a nut.
Well, then I did my 16 miles (okay, I admit I am rounding up from 15.59). After that I was quite certain negative splits were some crazy person's idea and were not attainable for this Brooklynite. Then, my next long walk came, and I decided to really take it on. I would push for the first of my 3 laps (3.35 miles), but I would push harder for the second and third. Well, by george, I did it! I had negative splits. I cannot even believe it, but I did. And, somehow I actually felt good at the end! I was happy. Now, my time is still slower than I would like, but heck, I did it.
Times (Each lap was 3.35 miles):
Lap 1 - 65 minutes (19.4 minutes/mile)
Lap 2 - 57.5 minutes (17.16 minutes/mile)
Lap 3 - 56.5 minutes (16.87 minutes/mile)
Since I was so focussed on the lap times decreasing, I did all my pitstops between laps, so the bigger picture is: 202 minutes for 10.3 miles or 19.61 minutes/mile or 3.06 MPH.
Last week was: 315 minutes for 15.59 miles or 20.21 minutes/mile or 2.97 MPH.
So an improvement, but still not the times I want. The last lap was close though. I am hoping that some walks this weekend with KC, a TFK member and Anne, a friend and walking buddy will help speed me up since they are both faster than I am.
I have never thought so much about the Little Engine that Could until I embarked on this journey. I can't tell you how often I hear myself saying, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...."
Keep your eyes out for posts on how I am touched by the incredible support I have gotten and how I know I am a nut.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Training should be called Pushing...
I keep thinking "training" sounds so easy and that it is all about consistency and repetition: training your pets, potty training, weight training, etc. Then, I get into it and I realize that consistency and repetition are actually only a small part of training. Training is pushing. Pushing yourself mentally and physically to do things you wouldn't normally do. Maybe if you train well then it comes down to repeating it and doing it consistently.
I feel like I am pushing myself to do the walks, to learn about the nutrition, to learn about pacing and the shoes and equipment, to go further, to go faster, to decide about what I will do after. I am just always pushing (and stretching) myself in ways I did not anticipate.
I love it. I can't say that I am tortured which I have also associated with training before. There are moments during my long walks that feel a bit torturous, but all in all, it isn't torture. It is exciting, revealing, and dare I say fun?!
Today was tough. I woke up at 8 ish and knew I should get up and out the door, but I was tired, Em was at Mike's and I figured a few more minutes of sleep on what felt like a cool day wouldn't hurt. Well, next thing I knew it was 10 am. I dilly dallied and took forever getting myself out of the house. By the time I started my walk it was 12:49! On a normal day, that would be a death wish, but today since it was cool, it was fine. I just kept pushing through and had some great times and felt really good at the end.
I will do another post (is that what you call it on a blog? I am not even sure) on today's walk, my new air heel, the new inserts in my shoes, and who knows what else?
I feel like I am pushing myself to do the walks, to learn about the nutrition, to learn about pacing and the shoes and equipment, to go further, to go faster, to decide about what I will do after. I am just always pushing (and stretching) myself in ways I did not anticipate.
I love it. I can't say that I am tortured which I have also associated with training before. There are moments during my long walks that feel a bit torturous, but all in all, it isn't torture. It is exciting, revealing, and dare I say fun?!
Today was tough. I woke up at 8 ish and knew I should get up and out the door, but I was tired, Em was at Mike's and I figured a few more minutes of sleep on what felt like a cool day wouldn't hurt. Well, next thing I knew it was 10 am. I dilly dallied and took forever getting myself out of the house. By the time I started my walk it was 12:49! On a normal day, that would be a death wish, but today since it was cool, it was fine. I just kept pushing through and had some great times and felt really good at the end.
I will do another post (is that what you call it on a blog? I am not even sure) on today's walk, my new air heel, the new inserts in my shoes, and who knows what else?
Friday, August 17, 2007
Random thoughts...
Addicted...That is the word that I keep using about walking and races. I think I am addicted. I spend a good part of my day thinking about when and where and for how long I will do my next walk, what equipment I need, what races I should do, what my time will be, etc. I have to constantly remind myself that I do have a life outside of this marathon.
Bridges...I have decided to walk all of the major bridges that connect Manhattan to the rest of the world. I have done the Williamsburg Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge. I still want to do the Manhattan, George Washington and the 59th Street/Queensborough. I think the 59th Street/Queensborough has become this ominous thing to me since several people have mentioned to me that they found it one of the toughest parts of the marathon. First of all, it is quite an incline, second of all, it is desolate, 3rd of all, it is far enough in that you are exhausted. So, I want to do a couple of rehearsals on it.
Shoes...I am very happy with my running shoes (new balance 766), but it is time to get another pair. I am torn. They do not make mine anymore, but I can probably find them online. Should I go get fitted at a running store? Am I a runner? I keep thinking I am, but I am a walker, will they scoff at me?

Training...I must improve my time. It is suddenly hitting me that I will be finishing in the dark, and I would like it not to be past Emily's bed I originally had the goal of finishing in 7.5 - 8 hours. I have now decided anything under 9 would be good and 8.5 would be awesome. I am not sure how or why I slowed down so much, but I have, so now I just need to adjust my thinking.
Disney...Should I do it or not? I feel so torn. I really wanted to do the Disney half. In fact, it was training for that half that had me decide to train for the More and the rest is history.
The pros - It would be fun, it would be a foray into TNT, it is a good cause - Leukemia and Lymphoma, it will be cold here and it will force me to take on my time and pace in a new way, I could honor barbara.
The cons - It means more fundraising, the fundraising for it will start before I have even done NYC, I want to go back to Disney with Emily, but she might be a distraction, I do not have anyone to watch Emily while I am there (if she is with me or not), if Emily comes she will have to miss some school.
I suppose I am leaning towards going and finding someone to come with me to watch Emily.
These are the random thoughts of the day.
Bridges...I have decided to walk all of the major bridges that connect Manhattan to the rest of the world. I have done the Williamsburg Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge. I still want to do the Manhattan, George Washington and the 59th Street/Queensborough. I think the 59th Street/Queensborough has become this ominous thing to me since several people have mentioned to me that they found it one of the toughest parts of the marathon. First of all, it is quite an incline, second of all, it is desolate, 3rd of all, it is far enough in that you are exhausted. So, I want to do a couple of rehearsals on it.
Shoes...I am very happy with my running shoes (new balance 766), but it is time to get another pair. I am torn. They do not make mine anymore, but I can probably find them online. Should I go get fitted at a running store? Am I a runner? I keep thinking I am, but I am a walker, will they scoff at me?
Training...I must improve my time. It is suddenly hitting me that I will be finishing in the dark, and I would like it not to be past Emily's bed I originally had the goal of finishing in 7.5 - 8 hours. I have now decided anything under 9 would be good and 8.5 would be awesome. I am not sure how or why I slowed down so much, but I have, so now I just need to adjust my thinking.
Disney...Should I do it or not? I feel so torn. I really wanted to do the Disney half. In fact, it was training for that half that had me decide to train for the More and the rest is history.
The pros - It would be fun, it would be a foray into TNT, it is a good cause - Leukemia and Lymphoma, it will be cold here and it will force me to take on my time and pace in a new way, I could honor barbara.
The cons - It means more fundraising, the fundraising for it will start before I have even done NYC, I want to go back to Disney with Emily, but she might be a distraction, I do not have anyone to watch Emily while I am there (if she is with me or not), if Emily comes she will have to miss some school.
I suppose I am leaning towards going and finding someone to come with me to watch Emily.
These are the random thoughts of the day.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
81 days until I do it...
I am still in a state of disbelief that in 81 days I will walk 26.2 miles. That is a friggin' long way and 81 days is right around the corner! I bounce all over from being confident to terrified to giddy.
The thought that I will no longer be on the sidelines and will be one of THOSE people in the middle of the street on November 4th is wild. For about 30 years, I have been one of the audience watching, cheering and imagining what it takes to participate for about 30 minutes then going on with my life and forgetting about the marathon for another 364 days. Somehow when I thought of it in the past I only thought of it as being that day. I didn't realize that race day is really the culmination of a series of days, weeks and months leading up to the big moment. I suppose it would be trite to compare it to pregnancy and giving birth, but it is the closest thing I can think of to compare it to.
There are times when I just think of myself as a marathoner. Today, at the podiatrist I introduced myself and said, "I am here because I am doing the marathon on November 4th and ..." There was no ambivalence on my part.
Then, an hour later I walked into a clinic given by NYRR and the speaker, Mindy Solkin, kept saying things about how as marathoners and people at our level, we needed to do X, Y or Z. The entire time I felt like she was talking to the other 200+ people in the room not me. I had to keep reminding myself that I was not there as an observer. I am one of them/us/the marathoners. Unreal.
I will chronicle my training here and someday may even show people this blog, we shall see
The thought that I will no longer be on the sidelines and will be one of THOSE people in the middle of the street on November 4th is wild. For about 30 years, I have been one of the audience watching, cheering and imagining what it takes to participate for about 30 minutes then going on with my life and forgetting about the marathon for another 364 days. Somehow when I thought of it in the past I only thought of it as being that day. I didn't realize that race day is really the culmination of a series of days, weeks and months leading up to the big moment. I suppose it would be trite to compare it to pregnancy and giving birth, but it is the closest thing I can think of to compare it to.
There are times when I just think of myself as a marathoner. Today, at the podiatrist I introduced myself and said, "I am here because I am doing the marathon on November 4th and ..." There was no ambivalence on my part.
Then, an hour later I walked into a clinic given by NYRR and the speaker, Mindy Solkin, kept saying things about how as marathoners and people at our level, we needed to do X, Y or Z. The entire time I felt like she was talking to the other 200+ people in the room not me. I had to keep reminding myself that I was not there as an observer. I am one of them/us/the marathoners. Unreal.
I will chronicle my training here and someday may even show people this blog, we shall see
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